457 Nomination
After the applicant lodges for 457 sponsorship, he or she needs to nominate an individual who’ll work for them at the time of the nomination.
457 Visa Occupations List
You must have an occupation that is on Schedule 1 or 2 of the CSOL.
After you provide your employment contract and job description along with the application, you’ll be gone through a 2 stage test process that’ll decide your salary. Regardless, the salary must be over threshold salary. For a temporary skilled migrant working 38 hrs/week, threshold income is more than $53,900.
Your salary must be on par with an Australian worker, and you need to prove this. To prove, you can provide a valid payslip or will need to complete a salary survey or show similar job advertisements in your area.
Nomination is an extremely complicated process that can get extremely frustrating at times. Thus, we recommend you to Book an Appointment with us. We will not only guide you through the process but will also help you if you are stuck in one of the process stages.
Recent Changes
For a few occupations and situations, Labour Market Testing is mandatory before 457 Nomination. As I said “a few”, there are many exception. You will need to determine whether your business comes under the exempted ones or not. If so, make sure Labour Market Testing is conducted on every of your employees.
How can we help?
You can contact us to see if you need to conduct Labour Market Testing. If so, we will help you determining the information needed by the Department. There are many requirements in relation to LMT that need to be actioned prior to lodging your 457 Nomination.
Our professional sales staff can confirm if you are eligible for a visa. Please note that if you want assistance with a tourist visa or student visa, you will need to book a consultation with a Registered Migration Agent.
In addition to face-to-face consultations, our agents are also available over telephone and Skype.